You got here from Controller Overview

From the Controller Overview page, click on Snapshots to get to this view.

Snapshots allow you to record static looks to be recalled.

A few "rules" about snapshots:

  1. All fixtures, all attributes are recorded in a snapshot in whatever state they are in when the snapshot is recorded.
  2. Snapshots record by Fixture ID and survive showfile uploads. If you repatch a fixture or even change a fixture type, the snapshot will still attempt to control that fixture.
  3. Fade Time is controlled at time of execution, not recorded in the snapshot in any way.
  4. This interface will work just fine even if the controller is offline, but snapshots will not be modified.

Clear Output stops all cues and sets intensity to 0 (the same as on the Cues page).

GO button recalls the snapshot, fading in the specified time. If no snapshot is recorded, this button has no effect.

Label is set at the time of recording the snapshot.

Fade Time is the time in seconds to fade into this snapshot. There is a maximum of 60 seconds enforced on the controller at the moment.

Record will record the current output as a preset (prompts you for Label).

Delete will delete the current preset (confirms before deleting).

Set as Startup: this will load this snapshot when the controller boots up, even if the controller has no internet connection. It has a hard-coded fade time of 1 second.

Release as Startup: this disables loading a snapshot on boot. Controller will output all 0's when DMX comes online. You do not need to Release in order to select a new one.


You can either use the Fixture Control page or the sACN Bridge to set levels remotely.

<aside> 🐡 Once the programming software is complete, you'll be able to use that to set levels directly and then snapshot through the website.


<aside> ↩️ Back to Controller Overview or Cue Control


<aside> ➡️ Onward to sACN Bridge
