You got here from Controller Overview

From the Controller Overview page, click on Showfile Update to get to this view.

This page provides for uploading a new showfile to this controller.

Choose a JSON file with the showfile for this controller in it and upload it.

The status will then show up in the Controller Log and the Showfile Status page on the Controller Overview.

When a showfile upload starts, the controller will fire Clear Output prior to starting the showfile upload. This will instantly turn out all the lights. Do not attempt to run cues while a showfile is being uploaded— the system attempts to lock out this behavior, but it's possible to corrupt a controller doing this.

The controller will reboot with the new showfile after upload. Once you see the controller boot message in the log, you can fire cues, etc.

<aside> 🐡 At this moment, the uploader checks to verify that the user is allowed to upload to the system, and checks that the parent_uuid in the showfile matches the system you're trying to upload to. HOWEVER, it does not check to be sure that you are uploading the right controller's showfile. So if you are attempting to update BC:DD:C2:C9:00:3F but your showfile is for BC:DD:C2:C9:00:7F, it will update the wrong controller.


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